- cylinder(p, q, r_in, r_out, seeds, radii=1, alpha=0, beta=6.283185307179586, mode='p', steps=360)[source]
Generated a fiber bundle inside a cylinder
- Parameters
p,q ((3,)-array_like) – (x,y,z)-points of begin and end of cylinder
r_in,r_out – inner and outer radius of cylinder
seeds ((m,2)-array_like) – fiber seeds on a 2d plane
radii (float or (n,)-array_like) – fiber seeds radii
alpha, beta (float) – fibers are between alpha end beta inside cylinder
mode (char or string) – ‘p’, ‘parallel’, ‘c’, ‘circular’, ‘r’, ‘radial’
steps (int) – steps along fibers in circular mode
- Returns
res – list of fibers with (x,y,z,r)-coordinates
- Return type